This is one of the reasons for the growing
Chinese language tutors, although our platform can also find such services, as we say , and if you don't find something online, you probably won't find it anywhere else. In general, more than half of customers prefer to use only one site when ordering services, and just over a third always visit multiple sites. Experts in the service industry and small teams are using it. You can find experts who solve different problems on the same platform, which is very convenient for users.What does the audience want from the platform? What is important to users? by the platform. Use various moible number data features to increase the security of your transactions. For example, we initiate the passport or driver's license verification of a private master, after which the document verified badge appears in the specialist's account. Of course, Russians have realized the benefits of going online and are returning to the platform for repeat orders. Interestingly, as even everyday communication has shifted to chat.
The proportion of those who don't want to call has increased, with a quarter of customers citing this reason as an important reason when choosing a subscription service. Others who use the service to book an appointment with a master are looking for discounts on the platform. How to keep customers satisfied What do users value most when ordering services? ? First, there is the opportunity to find suitable services on the site. Second, make sure the service is of high quality. The online platform operates in the interests of both parties.