In one sentence: it allows the server to send data to the client without
本帖最後由 niyadiw130 於 2024-1-24 18:08 編輯In this article, I will focus on using this technology to improve page loading speed. We get the rest of the benefits resulting from the use of the main changes in HTTP2 "for free". However, please don't be scared, I won't suggest digging into the code of your websites, practically no secret programming knowledge will be required. I'll just show you how to arrange several switches. in the htaccess file http2-push 2. HTTP2 implementation Currently, virtually all major browsers on the market have implemented support for the new protocol.
According to data provided by caniusecom, currently 76% of Internet users (83% in Poland) use such browsers. Generally, the client site is prepared to serve its content via http2. There is only a Phone Number List small ?but? – practically all browsers require the website to have an SSL certificate. Apparently http2 does not require the use of SSL, but in fact without it there is no point in optimizing your website for the new protocol. This is another reason to consider purchasing a certificate for our websites.
http2-browser In order for our website to benefit from the benefits of the new standard, in addition to client-side support, it is also required to be supported on the server side on which it is hosted. And here, unfortunately, the situation is much worse. Hosting offers with HTTP2 support are scarce, I think I found only two in Poland (on new versions of the Litespeed server). The problem seems insurmountable, but it can be solved very easily using the service . I will not describe what this service is and what benefits it provides (apart from HTTP2 support on the server side) - a topic for several articles.