They were extremely hesitant. The reason for their apprehension was the big CPC and CPA difference when comparing the branded versus non-branded campaigns.table of resultsTheir hesitation is completely fair. Telling them to spend more money on keywords that are more expensive and convert at a lesser rate isn’t an appetizing solution. They pushed back and suggested that we spend more on their branded terms.
The issue with that request was we were hitting nearly 100% search impression Belarus Mobile Number List share, our current brand campaigns were not limited by budget, and there weren’t any more branded keywords we could add to the account. We were already capitalizing on all of the brand demand that was out there. Here is where the Display Network comes in. Like I said, people aren’t going to search for you if they don’t know you exist. If you want more people to be searching for your brand name, you’re going to have to invest in building that awareness.We can also use the Display Network to build brand affinity.
Larry Kim wrote a post on why brand advertising drives more conversions than you think. That post explains perfectly how the Display Network can fit right in. When we spent some budget on reaching out to new users for this client, yes, more people started searching for our brand name (not just paid searches). But we also saw our non-branded campaigns perform better. Larry sums it up nicely:“The single biggest predictor of whether people will purchase is whether they’ve heard of you before.”increase the CTRs and lower the CPAs of our client’s non-branded campaigns.